20 Sep 2009: MochuoHu 莫愁湖

There were 2 stories that arose from this place:
  • One of them is about the lady called 莫愁who jumped into the lake, in protest to the emperor who wanted to take her in as a concubine. Well, the story did not end there. Indeed, the emperor even got someone to write a poem to push the blame to her father-in-law!
  • Another story is about Ming Emperor (明太祖朱元璋) who actually gave the park to his general (开国元勋中山王徐达) as a prize of a chess game. From what's exhibited, it's pretty obvious that 徐达was extremely clever! He lost the game with the words "万岁"left on the chess board!
Can read more about the story here.

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