- Bridge Park 大桥公园
- Memorial Hall to the Victims of "Nanjing Massacre" by Japanese Invaders侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆
- Rainflower Terrace Cemetry of Martyrs雨花台烈士陵园
One of the initial intent is to see 长江, where one of the early civilisations was. Wow! Must be so historical. However, apart from its breath and length, what else would I get from this developed area? Had a faraway view from the stadium. I think that's enough. Perhaps, there are more well-defined locations in other parts of China where I could see and feel the link between the life of river to the growth of the civilisation. I shall also not take the risk to take a cab there and not being able to catch any cab back.
As of the invasion of Japanses in Nanjing, the massacre actually took place at ZhonghuaMen 中华门. So, it's not necessary to visit the museum read the posters and photos. Agree that there could be much to see - for instance, some of those weapons or equipments that the Japanese used, the remains of some of those who sacrificed, etc... ok... enough... knowing myself well, I won't want to bring nightmares home! So, eliminated this place from the list.
The last one - Rainflower Terrace Cemetry of Martyrs雨花台烈士陵园 - one of the last-minute places included in my itinerary - mainly because of history. However, after visiting the historical places, think I've an overdose! Moreover, from the metro trail I had the day before, think it's not so accessible, too...
So, there went these 3 places.
One other thing I wanted to do but didn't - the boat ride along the Qinhuai River 秦淮河. Partly because of the weather, there wasn't any ride in the morning or early afternoon - I made an attempt to ask! So, they needed at least 4 people before setting off. Think about it... in fact, I saw the night scenary, though on the walkways. Yes, it's beautiful because of the reflection of the neonlights on the river. Hm... let me made a comparison... so, it's close to that in River Seine? (Paris). Yes, except River Seine's was painted with golden brown - for both buildings and river water while Qinhuai River 秦淮河's more colourful. Fine... I could give it a miss since I walked up and down several times since arrival.
So, what else did I do for the rest of the day since the flight only depart at 11.55 pm?
It was a long day! The day began with a heavy breakfast...
What else I've not bought? or where else I've not visited? I wonder... not really... So, I ended up spending most of the time crafting and replying emails, chatting with peers back in Singapore!
Indeed, I was glad that the brought the computer with me! It really helped to kill boredom. The only thing I didn't anticipate was being unable to access Blogger and Picasa in Nanjing. I should have activated the posting-by-email feature. OK, I shall do that next time.
What I had for lunch? Burger King! Yes, a meal like this cost me less than RMB20. It's the 2nd time I had fast food here. Well, it served me well...
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